I'm new to the forum, but battled with emet for about 8 years now. My 13yo son had an unsettled stomach/fatigue/general yuk feelings for most of yesterday, yet didn't v** until 8.30 this morning- it was so sudden the poor lad didn't get a chance to shut the bathroom door (though, bless him, he wasn't too, um, messy) he's had no other symptoms since and seems much more like his usual self though he's only had some dry toast and flat 7up.
It's so selfish but I'm so, so frightened I will now get it- I've bleached the bathroom as best I can (with latex gloves and a face mask, how pathetic is that!) and I've disinfected everything I can think of, done the bedding and towels at 95 degrees, not to mention enough hand washing to make the skin on my hands really dry!
It's just never ending though, this cycle of cleaning but never being convinced you've cleaned enough- it's impossible to get it all, and I'm frightened I might be infected by the 'spray' from this morning.
Does anyone know if *sv can be caught from hugging? I gave him a cuddle a little while ago- I can't bear not being a 'proper' mum when he's not well, but now it's all I can think of- I'm pretending so hard that I'm not as bothered as I am!
So, so sorry to freak out on here, but I'm dreading the 48 hours I have ahead of me now, constantly panicking and not being able to think of anything else. if anyone has any words of advice I'd really appreciate it