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  1. #1

    Default Panda Express? PLEASE Help!!!!

    Today, I went to the mall and had Panda Express, a mix of orange chicken, broccoli beef, and low mein, at around 7:10ish. It was pretty good but some of the orange chicken tasted kind of bitter. I then went shopping and watched a movie until about an hour ago. During the movie I was EXTREMELY thirsty and gassy. Now (10:44) I have a headache and some icky feeling in my stomach, and some slight nausea occasionally, with also a weird feeling of needing to poo but when I try nothing will come out. I'm really really scared and don't know what to do, please please please help me!!!
    Call me Koi or Koiz
    I use my phone for this site 65% of the time so if I do not respond on chat, I am not ignoring you!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Rhode Island, USA

    Default Re: Panda Express? PLEASE Help!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Koizumiii View Post
    Today, I went to the mall and had Panda Express, a mix of orange chicken, broccoli beef, and low mein, at around 7:10ish. It was pretty good but some of the orange chicken tasted kind of bitter. I then went shopping and watched a movie until about an hour ago. During the movie I was EXTREMELY thirsty and gassy. Now (10:44) I have a headache and some icky feeling in my stomach, and some slight nausea occasionally, with also a weird feeling of needing to poo but when I try nothing will come out. I'm really really scared and don't know what to do, please please please help me!!!
    I pretty much ate Panda Express every other day while in school and I never got sick from it. However I experienced a lot of stomach upset much like how you're feeling it's not the healthiest at ALL of Chinese food and they load that stuff up with salt. Try drinking some water to flush yourself out. You'll feel better soon!

    P.s: I love their orange chicken. It's so bad but so damn good lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Default Re: Panda Express? PLEASE Help!!!!

    I got pretty much that exact same feeling last time I ate at panda express. It never amounted to anything. I think it may be the massive amount of sodium. I haven't been back since then.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Panda Express? PLEASE Help!!!!

    It is now almost 1:30am and I am awake still, when I turn off the light I get n*. My throat feels acidic even though I took my Zantac. Also, the really worrying bit: my stomach is making lots of noise.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Re: Panda Express? PLEASE Help!!!!

    The fact that you only feel the n* when you turn off the lights is a definitive sign that what you're feeling is anxiety. I used to have the same problem, I slept with the lights on for the longest time because having the lights off made my anxiety higher.
    I have said this before on here but your stomach is supposed to be making noises, it's supposed to gurgle and what not. It means it's working and that your bowels are moving like they should.

    Maybe you could try keeping the lights on and watching a movie or something until you feel a bit better! I'm sure you just need to distract yourself for a while until you see that it's just anxiety that you're feeling.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Los Angeles, CA

    Default Re: Panda Express? PLEASE Help!!!!

    I never feel well after eating Panda Express. It is very greasy and heavy. I always fall into a food coma shortly after. It's so yummy though! I'm sure you're fine. It could even be MSG, even though they say they don't use it. That is known to give people headaches.



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