I do not like the autum/winter months because of all the bugs that will be going about and the shorter, darker days (I have Seasonal Affective Disorder, so turn into a manic depressive from about October - March), but I am not dreading it now. I do not think about it until those months are actually here. I am just enjoying the summer and the good health (although I have just come down with a cold that is making me feel pretty poo; I blame the relaxing on the hand washing this time of year. I mean when I wash them a lot in the winter, I don't get the colds that are floating around and infecting everyone and then in the summer when I do not wash them anywhere near as much I get ill). Sure, the weather here has been pretty hit and miss, like every summer, but we have had some truly glorious days. And the days are still longer, it doesn't start getting dark until after 8 pm and the sun comes up early too (I know this as this is when my cat comes in to wake us up and tell us it is time for breakfast). There are still many weeks of summer left, time for sitting outside, BBQs, warm weather (it may be raining here, but it is not exactly cold) etc etc. We should not be here dreading and moping about the winter months already or there really will be no time to enjoy yourself. I mean during the winter months people are moaning about can't they be over and how they wish spring/summer would arrive and now that is is here, people are waiting for the horrible months to reappear again.

I agree with Pauline about doing something positive for your grandad's Anniversary. Turning a horrible time into a more happy time. Remembering all the good times you had with him and enjoying time with your family. Maybe a meal, or family outing... or even just all getting together and releasing some balloons in his memory. You could all write a note to him and tie them around the balloon's strings and send them up to him.

My Birthday is also in October, when is yours? Mine is the 22nd. I get sad about getting older too... although now that I got past the 25th one (that was a horrible year), I am feeling better about it... well until I get to 30... I feel that will be enough aging for me and I shall stop there. Not have any more Birthdays after that. (I am 27 this year, so have a few more years yet). :P