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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Exclamation Real, severe nausea

    I'm completely screwed. Need support.

    I started a course of antibiotics a few days ago for a UTI that has spread to my kidneys, and I have become very nauseous on them.

    My stomach is very horrid, I feel really dizzy, shaky, numb and I cannot walk without falling over. I'm deathly nauseous, gaggy. As if something is comming up. My neck and ears feel weak and limp.

    Ive been putting up with this for days now, I can't take it anymore. I really want to die. I've had enough, feel so ill.

    I really want to go to A&E so they can give me a strong antiemetic, but it's late and I don't want to pressure my parents.

    I don't want to be sick, not now! Not ever! God, the nausea....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Los Angeles

    Default Re: Real, severe nausea

    Oh no I'm sorry you're feeling so bad Just rest and take it easy, usually antibiotics make you feel bad for a few days and then your body gets used to it. Do you have to work or go to school or anything? Try to take it easy, see if you can try to eat some plain yogurt tomorrow to get some good bacteria in your body.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States

    Default Re: Real, severe nausea

    Hi, I understand...just finished some myself but I've taken these before so I know it's not too bad. But I didn't take the more powerful ones because if this fear...smart, huh? You could call your doc and tell him how awful you feel and maybe he can change them for you. Or, just always make sure you take them with enough food, like a meal. Also, try to take probiotics, eat yogurt or fermented foods if you can. Antibiotics kill good and bad bacteria in your gut so that can mess you up and make you feel ugh. Which med is it??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Re: Real, severe nausea

    I'm feeling a little better today, although still crap. I have managed to eat a bit. Im now on a different antibiotic (Nitrofurantoin), hope everything works out.

    The Trimethoprime I was on made me feel horrendous, shaky, uggh what a nightmare!

    I haven't been sick, but came VERY close to it. It leaves you quite traumatized when you're that nauseous. Strange what willpower can do, huh? When I feel sooo nauseous, I think that there is something terribly wrong with me and hound my parents to take me to a&e so I can get an antiemetic jab. When you feel so ill, all rational thinking goes.

    Thanks for all your support! I felt like I was dying!



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