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  1. #1

    Default Decreased appetite? Worsened cos of emet?

    Hiya folks, I've posted quite a bit recently due to returning back to Uni and I know I've become ALOT more anxious on the eating front (thus telling myself these past few days to eat ANYTHING I fancy..pizza, chocolate and cider haha) butttt...I've found myself not hungry whatsoever unless it's early morning. I can eat and as far as I can remember, I've only felt n* once since I've been back but I put it down to hunger and well, it has been exceptionally warm for the UK the past week and Im starting to think this may be the reason...I'm trying not to worry as its pointless but I literally barely feel like eating...I should also say I've not started class yet so maybe it's cos I barely do anything all day... Although I do force myself to go out for two-three hours a day. I'm just a bit scared cos its getting go the point where I'll force myself to eat but I just do not fancy like it, even though my body accepts it. Anyone else having this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Re: Decreased appetite? Worsened cos of emet?

    I go through phases where food just repulses me. Even my favorite foods sound bad to me. I just make myself eat anyway. Find things that are least repulsive and eat them. Your body needs the food and nutrients so try to get them in when you can. Still eat 3 meals per day/snacks throughout. Even if you have to decrease the size of the meal, at least eat at your regular times. Not eating can reinforce bad habits and prolong the time before you get back to normal ways of eating. In my experience my appetite always does come back in time. Sometimes it's just a few days, sometimes weeks, it all depends but it always comes back.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Decreased appetite? Worsened cos of emet?

    Thanks so much Afdpt - glad its possible without some underlying condition, visited the doc in August due to weight loss but I knew it was connected to emet cos my friends got sick in the spring, however he seemed concerned and said 'something's not right' and yet he did a full blood count and all came back clear...so I guess I'm not gonna die too soon hopefully haha(that sounds dramatic but that's what I think of when I don't get hungry..)

    Anyway, I'll definitely try and eat as I would, I had an omlette everyday in the summer but the second I got back into Uni I had a small bowl of cereal instead so maybe I'm giving myself licence to eat tiny portions which like you say, is a bad habit. Thanks so much for reassurance!!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Default Re: Decreased appetite? Worsened cos of emet?

    I have this as well sometimes - I think it's very likely connected to heat, as you mentioned. Another thing I've noticed personally is that it seems to be related to hormone levels - at certain times in my cycle I have no appetite at all, whereas say right before my period I eat way more than usual (fulfilling stereotypes, haha). I don't know if this is the case with you but if it starts to happen regularly it might be an idea to keep a note of dates and see if there is any rhythm to it? I used to panic a bit about not having an appetite but knowing it's just part of my body's pattern helps me relax.

    Hope you feel better/more hungry soon anyway!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Decreased appetite? Worsened cos of emet?

    Thanks Emma! That helps a bit too, that makes alot of sense except I'm just off my period two days ago which seems to be the time where I never get any hormone things as I do in PMS and on my actual period... But this could be a hormonal thing in itself haha. I also felt quite lonely and sad this past week as I'm moved out of my family home and there's only three people I live with now who I ve barely spoken to until now so hopefully when I start getting all cheery again I might notice a change! Hmmm..thanks for your experiences guys I'll try not to worry!



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