I just came back from a skate (long board) and the back of my throat near my tonsils felt really dry like I was ready gag...
This has happened before after exercising and my gag reflex gets really hard to control and I get REALLLYYY panicked!!!
Because it gets like frozen in gag position, but no v*...its sooooooooo dry and furry it feels like I am choking..
A doctor told me there is nothing wrong...and with really a surprise he told me I need to find a girlfriend???wtf?? anyway I dont see him anymore
I just think some General Practitioners just don't look into anything if they see you have a history of anxiety? Like our physical symptoms are only caused by our minds and there is nothing physically wrong with you? (lion roar!!!!!!!!)!!!!!!!!

I ran back into my apartment now and tried cooling myself under a fan..I have valium, but I'm not going to take it. I think I can calm myself without it.

Has anyone had this behavior? Or had it while talking to someone?

Its been really bugging me this year..my social anxiety has been going into overdrive...