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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default How is everybodies Phobia going alone? Any improvements?

    My phobia is... quite under control now. I still get nauseated MUCH more than an normal person should ever, but for the most part, the active anxiety is... all but gone. I can watch videos of persons vomiting without any anxiety (with volume on). It isn't gone, but it's quelled to the point that I'm able to continue my day without thinking of it 24/7. If a person were to get sick in my vicinity, I'm sure I'll get anxious really quickly, but I trust myself that I know how to both react like an adult and to take logical measures to reduce the chances of me catching an illness, if the cause of their emetic episode was a catchable illness.

    It's to the point where I'm more worried about my adopted sleep phase disorder than my phobia.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    another universe

    Default Re: How is everybodies Phobia going alone? Any improvements?

    since i've last logged on, my phobia is a BILLION times better. like honestly i don't think i've ever been better around this time of the year!!!! i still get a little twisted-stomach and tight-throat feeling on occasion when i hear about people getting sick, but it's NOT an immediate panic response where i feel like i need to run screaming.

    to get to this point i adopted a really silly coping mechanism but...whatever works for me i guess! (re: the coping mechanism: i'm autistic, and radiation/radiation poisoning is one of my special interests....so over time i really did get used to the idea of being sick...)
    "Ask her what she craved, and she'd get a little frantic about things like books, the woods, music. Plants and the seasons. Also freedom." -Charles Frazier

  3. #3

    Default Re: How is everybodies Phobia going alone? Any improvements?

    Nice thread, looking forward to some encouraging stories!

    This sounds so so stupid but I find my emet is on/off depending on whos well around me. From April-June, I was going mental...seriously. I was eating tiny portions everyday thinking that everyday was another survival day cos ALOT of people around me were sick, some incidents that were inevitable, such as when my band went on tour and surprisingly most of the lads got travel sick (that night was horrific, picture an hour long bus journey and about five people trying not to v* then upon arrival, everyone rushing off to do it AUDIBLY. I died.) Anyway yeah, then over summer I was with my family who only really get minor colds so it wasn't a worry for me although I did get n* ALOT cos of the weight loss and stress cos of a fight I had...

    To sum up, I think I'm doing better in terms of myself getting sick, I tend to 'pull myself together' if I feel n* and take tons of fresh air and make sure its not all in my head HOWEVER, there was an incident about a month ago where I heard my roomate go to the bathroom for a good half an hour in the middle of the night and he stayed in his room the following day. I had to keep myself from Facebooking him and asking if he was ok cos I couldn't bare to read his answer!
    Beginning to feel like I'm one of those emets who copes better when I'm actually the one whos sick as I'm not walking on eggs shells wondering what I've touched etc....Still wish we could delete that brain section that causes us to feel n* though..
    Last edited by thecheesecake17; 10-25-2015 at 11:58 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: How is everybodies Phobia going alone? Any improvements?

    I am doing so much better! I'm not recovered, not even close, but I'm getting there. Every day I'm feeling stronger. I think my kids getting older has a lot to do with it. When they are little and sick often it's like you're constantly 'on alert'. I still worry about the next time, but deep down I know that we'll get through it like we always do. It never lasts forever and MY outlook is what really dictates how I feel during an event. I am trying to see the tummy bug the way that everyone else does. A minor inconvenience not a catastrophic event.

    I refuse to believe what many here believe and instead am convinced recovery is real and with my reach! Life is GOOD! I am doing all that I can to truly embrace and enjoy it.

  5. #5

    Default Re: How is everybodies Phobia going alone? Any improvements?

    My phobia was under control for years. It just started flaring up badly for the past month. I've went from 135 to 121 pounds in less than a month. It's very bad. V* and N* and noro is all I can think about. Also have missed lots of school and work lately. Not good. I feel happy to read that you guys are doing okay though.

  6. #6

    Default Re: How is everybodies Phobia going alone? Any improvements?

    You're gonna get better, Ariel! I promise! It's gonna get off your mind as the weeks go on and you'll only be scared if someone brings it up but as long as you're washing your hands and staying away from young kids you should be fine...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: How is everybodies Phobia going alone? Any improvements?

    My phobia has been so much better since I first joine this site. (I was a high school senior then, spring 2013)
    Back then my phobia had relapsed for the first time since childhood, I (thought) I was nauseous all the time, gagged everyday, rarely ate anything, had extreme panic attacks daily, was contemplating not going to college, was depressed, self harming and suicidal. YIKES!

    Today I am a double major college junior, went on an AIRPLANE(!!!!) to participate in a national student exchange program. I'm from New Jersey but have been living at a college in Texas from August til December. When I'm not in Texas I live away from home at a college in NJ. I made it through having an sv* while living at school last semester and am honestly pushing my limits everyday! Am I 100% recovered? No. Do I have bad days? definitely! But I'm no longer gagging, I eat balanced meals, I go out with friends. Despite my occasional anxiety I have a normal life! One thing that really has helped me is I have an SO who is understanding of my phobia without coddling it. He allows me to talk about it with him but also encourages me to think rationally. (I.e you'll be okay if you throw up, instead of "you'll never throw up")
    I've been to counseling and through a lot of hard work I've gotten to where I am and I hope to get further. I hope this doesn't sound obnoxiously braggy, I'm just so exited to see a recovery themed thread! keep fighting everybody!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Re: How is everybodies Phobia going alone? Any improvements?

    So happy to hear all of these positive stories!

    At this point in time I'm not afraid of vomiting anymore. I'm still uncomfortable when other people do it around me, but it's getting better. I no longer wash my hands obsessively, I try so many new foods, and have pretty much not avoided anything lately due to my fear. I'm still nervous that people will be sick near my in certain situations (like when a child says their stomach hurts) but the anxiety is much less. If someone tells me they/their family member has been sick recently I no longer dig and pry for answers to what kind of illness it was and even if they flat it say it was a vomit illness I no longer feel like I'm doomed to catch it. I don't even wash my hands any more than usual even in that situation.

    So many other improvements too I can't even think of them all right now.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Re: How is everybodies Phobia going alone? Any improvements?

    Quote Originally Posted by Syrup View Post
    I am doing so much better! I'm not recovered, not even close, but I'm getting there. Every day I'm feeling stronger. I think my kids getting older has a lot to do with it. When they are little and sick often it's like you're constantly 'on alert'. I still worry about the next time, but deep down I know that we'll get through it like we always do. It never lasts forever and MY outlook is what really dictates how I feel during an event. I am trying to see the tummy bug the way that everyone else does. A minor inconvenience not a catastrophic event.

    I refuse to believe what many here believe and instead am convinced recovery is real and with my reach! Life is GOOD! I am doing all that I can to truly embrace and enjoy it.
    The same! I'm thinking that now my children are getting older hopefully they will be more resilient. I think my reaction to the possibility of my daughters picking up an sv is more 'normal' now rather than totally freaking out!

    And Syrup, let's keep hoping and aiming at recovery!!

  10. #10

    Default Re: How is everybodies Phobia going alone? Any improvements?

    As a new member, I am lifted up by these amazing stories. Thank you all for sharing! I never knew this community existed, but I am so glad to have found it. Today got off to a rough start...my coworker brought her 5 year old with her to work today because he stay home from school. Right before I got here, he v* into the trash can and she was tying it up when I arrived. Instead of my normal routine of a panic attack, I actually felt pretty rational about the whole thing. I did not panic, I did not get all sweaty or gaggy or n*, and I did not run away! This was a win for me today!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States

    Default Re: How is everybodies Phobia going alone? Any improvements?

    I'm much better now than I was. I still freak out if I'm sick, but it doesn't consume my every thought anymore. I believe this site has helped me tremendously. Syrup, your posts help my way of thinking a lot. My boy has helped me too. Bless him, he's been sick so many times I guess it's been a type of exposure therapy. It's just not worth missing out on life wondering what if all the time!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United States

    Default Re: How is everybodies Phobia going alone? Any improvements?

    I don't even think about it until someone near or around me has sv.. Then I lose it!!



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