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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Default Please please help... /.\

    I have been experiencing a strange headache as of yesterday. Since then, it progressed into n* and now to upper stomach pain mixed with a headache and n*! All night long I have been experiencing the worst panic attacks I have had in a very long time, crying and shaking like crazy :/ . I am trying to convince myself it is merely my anxiety or nerves acting up again because they tend to do that very frequently and I then lose sleep because of it for no reason . However this feels different, I tend to take note of how I feel every time my anxiety or phobia flares up and this feels like it may be a possible sv*!

    I have had GERD, acid reflux, food allergy and lactose intolerance related n* ( you can imagine how many scares I have had XoX .) and it feels different, persistent and horrible. I haven't really eaten too much since I began to feel this way, but have been drinking herbal teas, apple cider vinegar and have eaten one apple and some grapefruit. I feel so very defeated and scared because all autumn long I have preparing and doing my very best to keep this from happening at all costs! It's as if I have lost and tried so hard for everything to go horribly wrong. It's a constant battle between a normal day and fears taking over almost every single day.

    I have not d* or v* as of yet but still feel very dizzy and unwell. I am actually very tired and want to sleep, but can't until I am certain I will be fine throughout my sleep. What should I do? What do you think it may be? Do you have any tips for anxiety? Any kind and supportive help would be loved and much appreciated! Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Re: Please please help... /.\

    When you're having a hard time like that try to focus on the moment. Say to yourself, "In this moment I'm fine. I'm not v*-ing." Then remind yourself "Even if I do v* tonight, that's ok. I don't want to do it but if that's what the night has in store, so what? I will still be ok." Try to stop convincing yourself that you're NOT going to be sick (because you never know that for sure so you're not really reassuring yourself at all.)

    Just because you have some sensations that feel different than your usual symptoms, doesn't mean it's a SV. A week ago from today I had a horrible night of nausea (different from anxiety nausea), feeling unwell, stomach discomfort, etc. I can't remember the last time I had felt that way but I just focused on making myself comfortable, telling myself that if I do v* I'll probably feel better. I eventually fell asleep and woke up the next day feeling a lot better (though my stomach felt kind of fatigued throughout the day.) I tell you this to point out that even though my symptoms were different from my usual stomach upset/n*, and it was stronger I still didn't v*.

    Some day you will get sick. We can almost guarantee that. Try working on preparing your body/mind for that day. Learn to accept it and you'll be doing so much better with your anxiety. You're amazing and able to handle v* - because it's not a big deal and you are strong enough!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Please please help... /.\

    Yep! Most of the time, with n*, I think it's unlikely we will v*....

    I too had a wtf moment two days ago that was a banging headache and weakness so I ate and felt OK but had a very rushy stomach feeling and stayed in the bathroom in case I needed to dash there. I also burned up and thought I was doomed. But...I did the reality check and realised I had zero n*..and even ate some steak about two hours after and felt energised and better. Then I woke up to gas and a general tummy upset and that subsided once I pulled myself together.

    The point is - If you're sick, you're sick.... The mystery feelings that you described sound like the frustrating tummy syndrome...probs just having an off day. Think of it like emotions, sometimes we wanna dance and smile and laugh then other days we have days off and just wanna cry...

    How are you feeling now??

  4. #4

    Default Re: Please please help... /.\

    BTW those headaches can be cured by even just a nice glass of water... Make sure you're hydrated

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Default Re: Please please help... /.\

    I began to feel a lot b better after calming down, but my n* just came back. It feels so horrible, I want to get it over and done with but am still having trouble coping with it I haven't slept all night long and feel dehydrated.. I have been driving water too. This is torturous...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Default Re: Please please help... /.\

    How are you feeling?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Default Re: Please please help... /.\

    I am beginning to feel a lot better! I'm still uncertain as to what I have or if it is a symptom of a long-term illness I have, but I am overcoming it very well! Around mid-day I was feeling JUST AWFUL! I had such bad n* that it had overridden my phobia and I was just wanting to get it over and done with. I tried to v* many times but couldn't at all, that's when I remembered.. Ah! I have a whole bunch of natural remedies I had kept in my room that I didn't try.

    I started with sniffing peppermint essential oil to ease the horrendous n*, then applying two drops of peppermint oil mixed with a carrier oil to water it down ( essential oils are very potent and could be very toxic if used in high amounts.) on my tummy where it was experiencing the most upsets and pain. In about 5 minutes my n* had subsided quite a bit! After I attempted to drink pedia-lyte because I was feeling dehydrated even though I didn't v* or d*. And I just recently made a Cinnamon , Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey tea ! It tastes amazing and I have the stomach to drink it! It should help with inflammation, sv* bugs and anything associated with this illness!

    I would say I feel about 70% better now, Thank you all so very much for your words of encouragement and kindness I greatly appreciate it . I do hope you all have a stress free, phobia free night! ^o^! Thank you again.



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