Hey all
I have been fairly absent on the boards, I apologize. Life has been busy as I work retail with the holidays approaching, and focusing on my new relationship. I actually have a question for anyone on here who can relate, as this is a pretty big forum with people from many walks of life.

In the beginning of my relationship with my current girlfriend (early September) She expressed how she is to be going into the U.S Navy. I told her I fully supported her decision and that it was pretty much awesome of her. Now as things have gotten pretty serious between us, and she is talking more and more about her plans in April to go back to the recruiter. (She had gone early this year but had to lose 50 lbs, which she is now down 55 lbs!) I told her I want to go with her to wherever they station her. I don't know much about the military or how to cope with her being gone for long periods of time, plus what if she gets hurt? Even though she said it's a fairly "safe" branch of the military. I am wondering if anyone on here has a spouse in the military (even Navy specifically) or serves themselves. Even if it's not in the USA. My girlfriend did email me a few support forums for partners of someone in the military however I feel more comfortable on a board I have been part of for years, as of now. Any advice is appreciated <3 I want to be as supportive as possible

Thank you