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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Default Possible contamination :( please help!

    Please help me.. I am freaking out so badly. I had a doctors appointment today.. When I got there I used my sleeve to open the door and went inside. I was only in there for about 20 seconds- there was an old lady sat about 2 meters away from me with a bowl looking VERY ill. As soon as I saw her I left. It didn't smell of sick in there and could not tell if there was already sick in her bowl.. But when I walked back past the doctors from outside I think she was actually throwing up then.
    I did not touch anything in the doctors, used my sleeve to open the door and when I got home I took all my clothes off and put them on a boil wash.. Used tissue paper to turn my taps on and scrubbed my hands so badly. Then showered in as hotter water as I could stand. Blew my nose and washed my mouth with listerene.
    What are the chances I'll get sick?!
    Please, someone help me :'( - I've had 4 rounds of CBT and tried EVERYTHING (including hypnotherapy) and can not get over this. I'm 28 and have had emet for 18 years.
    I won't be able to eat anything for the next 3 days now, anxiously awaiting to get ill.
    Please someone tell me the truth, how likely is it I'll get ill?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Re: Possible contamination :( please help!

    You're probably okay exposure-wise - but you sound so anxious! ((hugs)) No need to do all that.

    You need to eat - because honestly even if you don't eat and you get a virus, you will still get sick. BUT being healthy and well while exposed to something will help your body fight off bugs and germs. Have you tried some extra B vitamins and magnesium? It can help with low-grade anxiety. That and get some exercise and boost those endorphin's.

    Have you ever gotten to the actual issue of your anxiety?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Default Re: Possible contamination :( please help!

    Hi. Well I didn't get ill yet.. It's been 18 hours.
    Was so anxious last night.. Still am as there is still time.
    I read that noro can be aerosolized for 2 hours after someone is sick.. Is that true?! So it stays in the air for 2 hours?!
    If that is true.. I feel like I am probably going to get ill
    I already take magnesium.. Nothing really does much good. Propranolol is a saviour though!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Possible contamination :( please help!

    I did the starve-self thing seven months ago when my bf was v* and a seven-month drop in weight and extreme anxiety says ALOT more than a potential day being sick.... I understand you're anxious but please don't do a me and avoid food - I've felt so much more n* since starving myself and I feel weak everyday and regret not taking care of my brain more rationally!!

    I think you'll be perfectly fine. Imagine how many more people were there and plus it could be something else! Imagine the doctors she's gonna be with, I'm sure even they'll be fine. Old people have weak immunity whereas I assume you're under 60/70 and even then chances are probably slim...
    Hope you're OK.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Re: Possible contamination :( please help!

    No, noro doesn't stay in the air for two hours - the virus can stay on surfaces, etc for a long time but only a matter of seconds in the air.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Los Angeles, CA

    Default Re: Possible contamination :( please help!

    What kind of doctor were you visiting? I'm guessing it was not noro and was something else that wasn't even contagious. I'm 99.9% sure that you will NOT get sick.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Possible contamination :( please help!

    I'm 100% sure you'll be fine, you took excellent preventative measures and were only near her for a few seconds. The two hour thing isn't true, and you used a sleeve to open the door.

    I do have to say though, please don't starve yourself. I am 15 and I've been dealing with this phobia since I was 6. Over the years I've found that I feel so much worse when I don't eat anything (If you don't feel like eating, get something like cream of wheat, which is INCREDIBLY gentle) and so much better if I do. Also, I did get sick for the first time in years a little while ago, and I can say with absolute certainty, getting sick with something in your stomach is so much better than on an empty stomach. Much less painful.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Default Re: Possible contamination :( please help!

    Hi guys.. Firstly, thank u all so much for your support! It's relieving to know that noro doesn't stay in the air for as long as I thought it did.
    Secondly, just wanted to let you all know that I didn't get ill
    I am still struggling so much this winter though.. My phobia is at an all time worst but avoided getting ill for now, anyway. So that's good xx



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