Full panic post. It's 10:30pm, evening after New Year's Eve party.

2 people were ill last night, one young girl who was V* all night after too much alcohol. The other guy was my age and said he'd been under the weather all week. Not sure if that's cold, flu or a SV. I was near him all night (he's part of the friend group) but obviously didn't kiss/hug/touch him.

I'm now suffering from a sudden bout of dizziness/disorientation. I was sat watching my partner play on his PlayStation, so I was looking up at a fast moving screen. My eyes suddenly felt really dizzy and I felt completely off balance. I then panicked thinking I had finally gotten to the point I'd been worrying about all day - catching something that would make me V*.

I ate my dinner without a problem and have drunk enough (a few cups of tea and sipping on a bottle of squash all day). I have a slight headache along with this weird dizziness. My period is in 4 days, and I've heard dizziness can be a PMS symptom? Although I've never had it. I usually suffer with a high spike of anxiety a week before I'm due. The headache is probably a PMS symptom as I always get it at some point.

Just wanted to know if dizziness is a symptom of SV or if I'll be okay? Trying not to panic too much as I don't think anyone was actually contagious last night. But at the same time I'm 100% on whether the guy was ill from a cold or a stomach virus, so... GAH!