So lately my emet fears have spiked and since I am an anxious person/worrier by nature, I read things online.

I am just so exhausted, frustrated and angry. At who? I don't really know.

I guess mainly at the general population for being so careless with their hygiene. Or the media for hyping up thins like noro, which is my biggest fear above all else with emet.
Or the people who feed into the hype, saying things that only exacerbate my fears like "NORO IS EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME" (I actually read this on a comment somewhere) or "Oh it's just a little bug, I get it a few times a year!" - Uh, what? I had like 3 in my had 3 THIS PAST YEAR? Ahhh! How are people like this??

The latest one I'm reading? Blood types. See...this is new to me. If you don't already know, a Google search will help you. But depending on how you are - if you are like me maybe you shouldn't go looking for info.

But *apparently* blood types make a difference in what you catch - and I of course have type O- which means I'm screwed 10 ways to Sunday.
And I guess I can't help feel some resentment at these studies because to me, this virus is such a huge fear it's almost as if I have some hit-man out there waiting to get me every time I or my relatives leave the house. These "Studies" kind of rub that in my face, as if confirming just how screwed I am.

And I read these articles hoping for some kind of reassurance at any point and get none - instead it's "O is susceptible -BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! You also have the worst symptoms! Yay!"
Or, "There are sanitizers that say they kill noro, but they don't work because only bleach kills it! And oh yeah IT'S EVERYWHERE AND YOU CAN GET IT FROM EXISTING"

Going to hole up in the house for awhile. Cheers.