I don't think it's unreasonable to not-go-to-malls on the peak days of the year.

It's all over the news and there's no mystery, the day after
thanksgiving and the day after Christmas are the busiest days of the
year. If you wait just one day, you could be faced with a crowd that is
10-25% smaller. If for no other reason, it's going to be a pain to park
there. Why do people insist on going to malls on the peak days? It
makes no sense to me! Just stay out of those dirty ass restaurants
where nary a sole washes their hands and you'll elimiate a lot of risk
right there. (That's my opinion)

As for how to stop obsessing, I do what you're already doing. I find
something to do or something clean or something to fix. I cut the lawn,
wash my cars, laundry etc. There's always something to do. I use up so
much time on the Internet forums that I could be washing the windows or
the siding or pulling weeds. Ahh! There's an endless list of things I
need to do.