My sister earlier today said that she felt like she was going to v* and
i started freaking out but we had just got back from a day of skiing
without eating lunch, and that's understandable.

But she put her fork on some food that she wanted off my plate earlier
today then I realized she wasn't feeling well so I dished it onto her
plate by myself, she's only been here for about 1 day, and she's here
for tonight and I haven't shared food with her but I have this really
bad habit where I pick at my eyelashes. It's a nervous habit, I know,
totally unsanitary and I really need to stop doing that.

Now she's asleep because she wasn't feeling well, and i'm so afraid that she has the sv*.

if she has a sv, i know i would get it. my mom isn't being much help,
she's trying to be supportive but i guess it's hard to expect so much
of someone who really doesn't understand what you're going through ..
she's like "what's the worse that can happen if you do get sick?" and i
just i don't even want to begin ..

But on friday night she stayed up till 4am partying, and woke up at 8am
to catch a ferry here, she went to bed late last night and didn't eat
lunch today ... my mom says it might just be her body catching up with
her, but i'm still really freaking out, because you know what emet
wouldn't? haha ..

(sorry about all the run on sentences and grammar errors, i'm not doing any revision haha)