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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Unhappy my emetophobia has been worse lately

    hey guys, I needed a place where I could just say what was going on!

    I wasn't always emetophobic, it was only until I went on a cruise at age 9 that I became terrified of being s*. It was so bad for two years that I lost 20 pounds due to refusing to eat certain foods, and only two years ago I had another episode where for months it was difficult to even get food in my mouth- I lost 15 pounds from that.

    Right now I'm back in that mindset and I'm refusing to eat some foods because 24/7 my throat feels tight and I've lost appetite because my mind just replays past scenarios and things that could happen.. It's ridiculous. Because I'm so anxious over this, I've also had trouble sleeping the past few days

    Does anyone know a few ways to calm down? I'm way too overly worked up atm.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Southeast USA

    Default Re: my emetophobia has been worse lately

    I wrote a post about this here: http://www.emetophobia.org/showthrea...-Exposure-Help
    I hope it can help you calm down a bit. I know the feelings. I've had emet since about age 4 (can't remember not having it), but grew worse by age 8-9 where I lost a lot of weight and had daily panic attacks and was extremely fearful and picky of food. I had serious food issues and stopped eating out by high school until mid-College when I finally began to eat outside again. Now my biggest issue with food is my allergies and intolerances and upper esophagus problem where I can't eat sometimes. The replaying of scenarios was super common in my early emet days or worst emet days.
    "And though she be but little, she is fierce"~Helena, A Midsummer Night's Dream

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Default Re: my emetophobia has been worse lately

    I have been emet since about 4 as well and I am a severe emet..like you I refuse food, I am extremely underweight and I have three doctors that monitor me and I have therapy once/twice a week. I just recently began taking Prozac but it started making me feel..worse..idk so I am letting my body off of it. Some things I do that help me calm down are:
    1. I clean, it helps me organize my thoughts and calms my anxiety by killing germs and that feel good of having a clean house
    2. I pray and read my bible (if you practice a different type of religion then learn more about it)
    3. I bake my favorite treat..if I am able to bake AND eat my favorite cookie then I know I am not sick
    4. I read a book of any kind..reading is a great way to deter yourself from anxiety. If you do not like to read then get a word search, cross words, color pictures or draw.
    5. Doing laundry..believe it or not laundry is scientifically proven to lower anxiety haha the process of folding and putting laundry away draws serotonin levels and decreases the feelings of stress (I forget what journal I read that from but I will find it and post it)
    6. I call my mother, or you could call a friend you have not spoken to in a long time to catch up.
    7. I think about food..I think about food I like..if the thought food is appetizing anf it subsides the nausea then I know I am okay (if you are hungry you are healthy)
    8. I write poetry so obviously I let my emotions out and vent a lot via writing.
    9. FACEBOOK haha this one speaks for itself. I can get on facebook and end up reading an article about a super galaxy eons away haha
    10. PINTEREST..again it speaks for itself. I get on pinterest and the next day my husband is eating chocolate covered tomatoes shaped like hearts (not really I just hoped it made you laugh)
    I hope these things helped

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Re: my emetophobia has been worse lately

    I too have had emetophobia since a very young age, can't tell you exactly but my mom said as a toddler I would hold it back and cry and shake and she would stand in the shower with me. Anyways I've had highs and lows, my lowest was when I turned 18 I became pretty much agoraphobic and wouldn't leave the house, they put me on Zoloft and within a few months I was normal again. Moved out with my boyfriend and everything was good. Went yeaaaaaaars no panic attacks, partied, lived life, had a child and then bam it was back not bad but to a extent till we got a bug then it was bad again. Went back on Zoloft go a few years till I tapered off again. Now a days and a divorce, remarriage and another kid later I have great, good, and bad days. This past year was had more bad then good but I'm looking upwards, I've found that keeping busy really helps me, doing yoga, getting out of the house going for a walk with the kids or even sitting outside while they play helps. My therapist once said gardening is a amazing antidepressant, a natural chemical (if it's even that) in soil is released into the air when you are down in the soil doing work that can improve your mind. Pinterest as said above is a GREAT distraction! If I was rich my closet would be full of the clothes on there and I've found some amazingly yummy recipes! Honestly I don't want to be medicated anymore I want to find natural ways to help myself. I use dōTERRA oils and herbs to help. Even my greens help improve my mood. I've gotten a job that I LOVE and it's easy (most of the time) and I can make some money. But you have to find what works for you, these are all just tips and we each suffer differently, I hope at least one thing we all have contributed will help you in some way or another!



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