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Thread: Oh snap :(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Newcastle upon Tyne England

    Exclamation Oh snap :(

    Sat here feeling a bit bleh but ignoring it. Chatting on Facebook watching tv etc. Then I get this wave of hot sweats, bloated and I genuinely felt like I was going to be ill. Strangely calm but then panicking cause the wave passed! It worries me because I had felt off. I feel so so bloated and have this sense its going to happen. Also have no anti emetics. Its strange because although more frequent than normal 3/4 times as apposed to 1/2 and it has been normal

    PLEASE HELPx x x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Re: Oh snap :(

    Well it's been a little while since you posted it. What happened during that time? The trouble with truly being sick and just dealing with an anxiety attack is that they can be hard to distinguish initially but nothing about your post seems to indicate that you're sick for sure. Sadly it's of those times that only time will tell and just trying to stay as calm as possible in the meantime in order to avoid exacerbating the anxiety causing further panic and "false" symptoms.

    I hope it turned out to be nothing, and suspect that's probably the case but hope you will share the outcome whether it's just to show that "Yep, these are just typical symptoms of anxiety. It has happened before and will happen again and doesn't mean I'm sick" or in the off chance you were actually sick it'll be good to show everyone (and remind yourself later) that even if you do get sick it's not a big deal and it will always pass.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Newcastle upon Tyne England

    Default Re: Oh snap :(

    So I was constantly refreshing and was just sat up in bed. Then I got up to heat my wheat pack up and try and distract myself. I then took 2 paracetamol just to try and calm my heart down.

    Settled back into bed and eventually fell asleep though I woke up around 2/3 hours later but it was 7am. I was almost waiting till my flatmate left so that I could relax enough if I was going to be ill at least id be alone.

    You're right though its so hard to distinguish and on one occasion I got it wrong. What I did try and tell myself was that I don't have a stomach pain my bm is normal so the odds aren't stacked in the favour of being ill.

    I was strangely calmer and got to the point where I just wanted it to happen. The dragging out was the worse.

    Thank you so much for checking in on me means a lot x x x



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