You're doing the right thing to lower your panic! I hate triggering shows, movies, and videos! They always make me panic - some more than others. The best way to lower panic like this is to distract your mind with something else. The Pixar movie, as long as it isn't triggering, is a great way to distract your mind!

Here's a story for you - around March we were watching a WWII movie in US History class. About 45 seconds in, as it was showing soldiers crammed onto a small boat, one of the soldiers v (not real, but graphic, actually showing the v). It was horrible! The scene cut away right after, and didn't go back to that part. I had a panic attack from the sudden, graphic triggering video. I plugged my ears and stared at my iPad (replaced paper and pencil) until class was over. Oh, how I wish I was warned!