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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    United States

    Default 3 months pregnant and anxiety!

    Ug... Why can't I just ENJOY this pregnancy? I think all of my n* and discomfort comes from this stupid phobia!! I think it would be a breeze if not for this. It's so annoying and angers me so, so much. I know how to get over it but do I really let myself just do "it" and do it a lot. Or, maybe that would backfire and make my phobia worse? I'm so frustrated with it. I was doing so well before I got pregnant.

    Btw, is there a pregnancy thread somewhere for emets?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Re: 3 months pregnant and anxiety!

    At around that stage in pregnancy the morning sickness starts to diminish. If it's really bothersome I would talk to your OB about meds to help with it. Have you tried the sea bands? I have heard they work great with pregnancy? I was never sick with my first only had a bit of motion sickness in cars if it was too hot, my second I only felt sick if i didn't sleep enough, so I just slept 10-12 hours a night and took naps when my toddler did! Hope you find some relief!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Re: 3 months pregnant and anxiety!

    Yeah, the nausea isn't fun!! I'm 20 weeks now and it def started to get a LOT better for me by 12-14weeks.. was almost gone by 14. Now I barely remember it ;-)
    As I'm sure you've heard 1 million times every pregnancy is different but hopefully you'll feel better very soon! And if it hasn't really been too bad I don't think there's any reason to think it would suddenly get worse!!

    For me, I don't think my nausea was as bad as some & at the end of the day I used that for comfort but also didn't hold myself to a non-emet's idea of what bad was.. I talked to my PA, OB and therapist and we all agreed that taking zofran for a short time would be a reasonable choice for me (I felt way better and was able to function in clinic & study for my board exams). There is a very small risk (not fully studied or confirmed) of heart and palate defects w/zofran. At 3 months though you are well past when those things are forming so if you are still miserable reach out!!

    When I was a kid I used to really, really worry that I would never want to be pregnant.. but i've got to say, I worry about so many other things these days when it comes to this new life (what if I suck at motherhood, what if something is wrong w/the baby, what if I don't carry to term, what if working means I never see him/her) that the phobia kinda took a super backseat!! I'm not saying you should find other things to be anxious about just throwing in my experience.. basically anxiety's a B*** and a hard habit to kick!

    On another note... congrats!!! Hope you feel better soon!
    Last edited by Malalcala; 07-26-2016 at 07:44 AM.



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