So I just had my 3rd baby 3 weeks ago on July 11th. I was overdue which has never happened. I was 41 weeks. With my previous c section (I labored naturally but he ended up stuck so I needed a c section) I was not allowed to go past 41 weeks due to the risk of uterine rupture. I needed induced and that was SCARY. But I was 5cm for WEEKS. I showed up at the hospital at 6cm (was not feeling any pain what so ever yet) They broke my water and wanted to see if that put me in labor and it did. I only labored for an hour but it was SO INTENSE cause it was so so fast. Worst then my other 2 natural labors (even the one where I was in labor for 24 hours) When I started to push I felt SO SICK. Like i was going to throw up every single time I pushed. But you know what. I pushed through it. I had him out so quick because I just wanted it over. I gave my hardest and biggest pushes and he was out. WITHOUT BEING SICK! I am so proud of myself. I thought i was going to lose it and just break down (I did cry but thats ok!) The dr commented on how amazing I was. No screaming, no nothing. Just breathing and pushing. breathing really really helped so much! I just want to let you ladies know if you are holding off on pregnancy just due to the fear. DONT. I never threw up in ANY of my pregnancies or labor. Its so worth it EVEN if you do. Including a picture of my newest blessing!