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Thread: panicky

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Default panicky

    I'm feeling panicky tonight. I didn't eat much today except for some mashed potatoes this afternoon. This evening I took a couple Nauzene tablets. Tonight, I ate soup I made with tomato juice, beef bits, and pasta. I also had a couple slices of garlic bread. I'm paying the price now. For the past couple hours or so, my stomach has been feeling nervous and queasy. Burping brings some relief, but at least one time I felt a reflux and it tasted like v. I took a Dramamine around an hour and a half ago. Still, I've been panicky. I took my temperature awhile ago and it was 98.9. I took it again a little later and it was 98.7. I've been feeling hot on the inside and a little clammy on the outside. Maybe it's a hot flash. I'll be 45 in November. I took another Dramamine just now. Yesterday evening, I went to Sheetz and got a couple slices of pizza and some Churros. I know that every time I eat take-out or eat in restaurants, I'm taking a chance of getting exposed to the sv. I'm so scared right now. Sometimes my legs shake during these panic attacks. I had an endoscopy a couple weeks ago and they said I don't have ulcers. However, they did say that I have gastritis and they also found polyps. I've heard that gastritis can make people v. I hope I stay well and that I don't v.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    new england

    Default Re: panicky

    i have a very sensitive stomach as well. i highly doubt that this is a sv; you may have GERD or some other sort of acid reflux disease. what helps me when i get a bit n* after eating is putting a heaping teaspoon of baking soda into a cup of water and drinking that. it tastes awful, but it gets rid of indigestion and helps you burp a bit, relieving some of the pressure. it does help a lot!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Re: panicky

    Gastritis can make people vomit, yes, but that doesn't happen all that often. I've had gastritis a couple of times, and while it did make me nauseous, I did not vomit from it. You should try to avoid junk food (and caffeine, spicy, acid, greasy food) if you have gastritis, though, it'll just make matters worse. It's boring, but sticking to the BRAT diet would probably be easier on your stomach. Did you doctor give you a prescription for something to help soothe your stomach (PPI, acid blockers, antacids)? It's normal that the reflux tastes like vomit, because it is stomach contents. It does not in any way imply you will vomit, even if it is very unpleasant. The reason why reflux happens has nothing to do with the mechanism of vomiting. It isn't a precursor to it, nor does it make you more likely to be ill (unless you have a very, very sensitive gag reflex).

    Eating out isn't that risky. I eat out all the time and I barely ever get sick. It happens that I get ill with diarrhea, but I haven't vomited from it. Stomach viruses and food poisoning aren't nearly as prevalent as we emets believe. As for the hot flashes, could be hormonal. I'm feeling like that since yesterday, although in my case it's probably a migraine/weather thing, as it is still hot and humid here and I have a wicked migraine, but the hot flashes always make me worry it's something else too.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Default Re: panicky

    I'm doing better than I was the other night, and I hope I stay that way. Yes, I have a prescription of omeprazole, but I haven't been able to get it refilled for awhile because of red tape. I'd been trying to taper off the omeprazole since the gastroenterologist said it could cause problems with calcium or something like that; I don't remember the details. As for eating out at restaurants, at fast food places, I see the workers wearing gloves when handling the food. That always puts my mind at ease. As for the hot flashes, I'm in my mid-forties and I'm probably in perimenopause.




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