I haven't posted here in a while but I wanted to share this!
Okay so at the beginning of the summer I moved across the country. I did exceptionally well on the plane ride (most likely because of the help of some anxiety meds), only feelings sick enough once to take a gravol, but I did so and was fine the rest of the way.
Since moving here though I haven't been out much. I was out with my Dad to pick up supplies for sewing and that went well.
I went out grocery shopping with my Mom later on and that didn't go so well, I felt so gaggy I had to struggle hard to control it.
Now, here's a thing - in the last several months every time I've been out of the house to a place more than five minutes from my house I've taken the before mentioned anxiety med. And well, I took that last one when I went grocery shopping.
Today my Mom and I HAD to go out because we need doctors. My heart was pounding, my stomach was hurting, and at one point I found myself incredibly hungry (I know that most emets see hunger as a good thing, but I don't because of past experiences), but I didn't JUST go to the doctor, I went to the dollar store, gaming store, and went grocery shopping. I did it, I fought all those horrible feelings, and I managed to go out without that strong pill. And I enjoyed myself! I preordered the new Pokemon game, I got craft supplies, and macarons.
All in all a good day. c: