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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Has anyone ever gotten sick from a coworker?

    Hey everyone! It's been a while but the dreaded flu season is back :/
    I was at work yesterday when the new intern came in. I trained her for a few hours, not much close contact but we were in the same office the whole time. Well she texted me today saying she now has the stomach flu (she knows it's that because she caught it from her roommate who she took care of while she was sick). She v* the morning after I saw her, so I was just curious what risk I am at? I am more worried about the germs she may have had on her from her roommate (on her clothes, computer, etc), since I know people usually aren't contagious before they show symptoms. I think I may have forgotten to wash my hands when I returned home :/
    How much risk am I at, and have any of you ever contracted the virus in this way?
    Thanks everyone! Any response is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Re: Has anyone ever gotten sick from a coworker?

    Well, there is a risk, but it's very small, and would be practically eliminated if you follow good hygiene rules at work (wash your hands before touching food, don't share utensils or food, don't put your hands in your mouth, etc even if no one is reporting and illness). I never got sick from coworkers by following those rules.

    And if it's any reassurance, my parents worked in a hospital full of sick people, and only recently started washing their hands when coming back from work or shopping, and they never got sick from coworkers, even actively ill ones.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Has anyone ever gotten sick from a coworker?

    Thank you! I am at work again today. Happy I made it through last night as I was sure I was going to catch it. I would say if I make it through today I am probably in the clear? I am feeling a little bloated and nauseous but nothing too bad or out of the ordinary for me. I will continue to wash my hands like crazy!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Default Re: Has anyone ever gotten sick from a coworker?

    Two of co-workers were actively sick with d* while at work and the next day one of them called in saying they were v* but the other co-worker just dry heaved twice and both were fine within 2 days! Alberta came down with it Sunday while at work but finished her shift and then Carol got it Monday, Carol was fine by Tuesday but Alberta called off Monday so she must have had the worse bug and Alberta is also really old. We all share the same register and phone but I am a stock manager so I do not run the cash register too much but sometimes I do and both those days I did and I felt really off and icky Tuesday night on and off even until today. I think I just have anxiety about it and not actually ill because I practice good hygiene (knock on wood) but either way, they got it just 12 hours from each other so I am sure if any other employees were to get it, they would have by now and, again (knock on wood) know other employee has!



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