I know it's OT but it kinda relates to v* as I nearly v*d last week due to what may be kidney related ...
Just wondering if anyone has had trouble with their kidneys as I'm dense on them but have had very mild jabs for years in my left one... It's not in my stomach neither my back but I just know it's my left kidney... Coffee usually sets it off although more often that not it's hardly noticeable... But due to a fever I had last Tuesday which was asymptomatic(aside from wanting to v* when I got hot) I haven't had it since. My bladder has been acting up for four days, no pain or burning but I'm going to the bathroom more than usual and ive just finished a coffee from work and had mild jabs again... Anyone had this? I'm 23 and diabetes are in my family but no one has had any kidney problems...Sorry for the panic