Trying not to freak out right now...

An hour ago, I decided to make a mahi mahi tuna burger at 2:30 am. (Don't ask.) It made me uneasy to begin with because cooking any sort of meat makes me uneasy and so I don't consume it often. Well, it tasted fine - only had about 4 or 5 bites, if even. Something mades me stop and the thought pops into my mind to check the expiration date on the box. Reason being, I had purchased yogurts at this particular store previously that had been expired and when I went to return them and exchange them for more, the ones on the shelf were expired as well! WELL...the expiration said 10/2016. I wanted to die.

I immediately disposed of the food, brushed my teeth and took 2 clonazepam. I decided to phone the 24-hour nurse hotline provided by my health insurance. The nurse saw that my panic attack was the main issue at the moment and tried to get me to calm down. She told me she could not guarantee anything would or would not happen, but gave me the number to poison control because she "wasn't sure if I'd need my stomach pumped."(!!!!)

I called Poison Control and explained my situation; they told me there was nothing I could do at this point (I had asked about charcoal but they said they advise against that). However, being that the fish was frozen and then cooked, it was the best possible scenario for this to have happened. So now I'm laying here like a ticking time bomb. I wasn't going to post here because I thought maybe I should be trying to get my mind off of it. But I saw that other people have posted about eating expired food so I decided to share my experience.

I take responsibility for not checking the expiration date (which I admittedly often do not do when I'm purchasing stuff). ALSO - I purchased this box of tuna burgers in JANUARY - they were STILL on the shelf! Fortunately, I happened to have the receipt as proof of this.

(***Guys, be careful of purchasing food at Whole Foods. They keep old stuff on their shelves - a simple Google search will reveal this. I complained about the yogurts, sent an e-mail - no response. Regardless of the outcome here, I'm contacting the Board of Health and whoever else to report this incident.)

I feel good, just panicky, a little shaky. About to make some ginger tea. This is an absolute nightmare. I have never had food poisoning before, haven't even been in in about 30 years. I don't want to tell anyone about this because I know they will make me feel worse and/or blame me.