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Thread: Virus or IBS?

  1. #1

    Default Virus or IBS?

    Just looking for some insight as to whether you guys have experienced a fast, urgent bout of d* that crops up every now and then, maybe once every two months? I have had this happen to me around 5 times this year, but to be fair i work in an office and my dad works in care...

    The weird thing with it is, i do tend to feel both unwell and well at the same time with it...it hit me two weeks ago which scares me as it wasn't long ago, and the pains were pretty severe.. felt drowsy but generally very well. My mum told me she had the exact same thing the day or so after... So i relaxed knowing it was a virus (i hardly ever have d* ) cos how much of a coincidence is that? Plus she is very health conscious and has also never had bowel issues

    Yesterday I went to a mall and felt rubbish, i was in a bad mood for no reason and just wanted to sleep... I fell asleep at 12pm in the car which is very very unusual for me and as we were in the car and i felt the urge, i took an immodium...I know I shouldn't cos now my whole system but i had no choice , there were no toilets until home...I got home and had a very fast, miserable and what my mum calls (TMI) explosive bm*... But does IBS cause other symptoms? I also felt repulsed by some food and then strangely felt starving and ate a big meal and was fine. It's the second day now And i feel quite perfect after eating some fried eggs...

    Anyone had this?
    'Since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal'

    2 Corinthians 4:18💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Default Re: Virus or IBS?

    I have IBS too, and I can definitely get ill like that if I'm not careful with my diet. Actually I've just been through it this weekend because I've eaten so much junk. I even stayed home from work today because I was up all night going to the toilet. It wasn't explosive but it sure was awful and I was really n. I'm fine now but I just hadn't slept all night and was exhausted. Last time it happened was around 2-3 months ago or so. (You'd think I would have learned huh lol.)



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