My little sister (14, about to be 15 in 4 days) is staying home from school today due to her stomach hurting, which makes me pretty damn nervous.

There's two reasons why I'm nervous..

As far as I know, my mom and sister went to meet my dad yesterday for money, they were gone for a while so they could've gone anywhere afterwards, including my grandparents' house where my uncle, who had a stomach virus a few weeks ago, lives (Overthinking). Or she could've touched a contaminated surface at a store or something.

Another one would be because, last night, I ate 4 big **possibly** left out cheese sticks from Papa John's. I'm hoping they weren't, seeing as how I'm fine at this very moment, I'm guessing they were okay to eat.
My sister ate them after I did though and well.. now she feels sick.

I was feeling better when I heard my mom get mad at her in the room while saying "I'm not wasting my money on to-go food!". The reason she'd even bring that up, I'm hoping, is because my sister is hungry and asked for food. Which is a good sign to me as I'm pretty sure a person with a stomach virus or food poisoning wouldn't even be able to bear simply the thought of food, let alone want to actually eat it.

On top of that, she seems fine. She's just laying in bed watching videos on her phone with a box of tissues nearby. What started freaking me out though was seeing my mom bleaching the toilet, but then she poured this blue-ish thick liquid into it as well. I asked her if my sister had a stomach virus and she said "No! She's cramping and has sinuses!" and said she was cleaning the toilet because it looked filthy, which I'm hoping is true, as my mom has lied to me in the past so I would calm down.

As far as I know, my sister isn't vomiting, having diarrhea, or appears to be in any kind of pain. She's not complaining at all, so maybe things are fine.. I don't know. I'm still nervous though.