Hello everyone, I am new to this place!
So recently, I went out with a friend who told me that she had recently gotten over having a bout of gastro, and I was immensely worried about catching it. Luckily, I didn't catch anything. But ever since then, I have always been anxious and on edge 24/7 about the fear of potentially catching Norovirus. I live in Australia, and it's just about Summer here so it isn't even Norovirus season, yet I'm still so scared! How should I control my fear? I have barely even thought about Norovirus before this, but now it's just driving me insane. I have been washing my hands so much more thoroughly than ever before, and I avoid certain places like public bathrooms now...what can I do to calm myself? I've never ever caught a stomach bug in my life, and neither have any of my family members, except for one time when I have around 2 years old, haha! Any advice or help would be highly appreciated~stay safe y'all!

P.S. My friend I mentioned earlier said that her virus lasted 2-3 weeks, but I know most people's usually a few days...is lasting a few weeks common?