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  1. #1

    Default Exposure to SV?? urgent!!

    Hi guys, new here!

    To give some background, I'm a 19 year old student suffering from emet. I'd like to think I've learnt how to handle it better as I've gotten older, but I still don't deal with it very well, or as well as I'd like.
    This post is pretty rushed as I'm currently in between lectures but I just wanted some advice.
    I work in my university's Student Union shop, and I was working this morning, 8am-11am. When I got into work, my team leader was just about to leave as she'd been v*, why she actually came in is a mystery! As soon as she said, I moved away (I wasn't that close as it is anyway) and then I went and used hand sanitiser (we keep it under the tills). I then made sure to spray the tills and everything surrounding with anti-bac spray and cleaned them before I touched them, and made sure I only stayed on tills shift and didn't go near where I knew she'd been stood. I don't know what she'd actually touched before I got there but I wanted to be safe. I think she may have counted the money in the tills before I got there, so after every transaction I sanitised my hands. I know that some sanitisers don't protect from viruses but I thought it was better than nothing! I also showered and re-washed my hair as soon as I came home - I tried not to touch my face and definitely didn't touch my mouth. However, apparently someone else was either sent home or was sick when they got home some time this week, and I don't know if they'd been on shift together so I don't know how easy it is for people to be catching it! What do you guys think? Do you think I'm safe? I know it makes no difference now and I've done everything I could but I just really don't want to be s*! I know I can deal with it if it happens but you know. Also, I'm going to stop at my friends tonight until tomorrow and I obviously don't want to infect her if I have got it, but I won't know, probably until I'm there! Should I just stay home in case? Or is that letting it rule my life?

    My manager has since sent a post out to tell us there's a bug going around and that she doesn't want people in work if they have been v* - I think she's pretty annoyed and so am I! It seems pretty vicious and I'm really hoping I've managed to avoid it. Any pearls of wisdom or comfort?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Exposure to SV?? urgent!!

    It sounds like you took all necessary precautions to keep yourself safe. There no way to say FOR SURE, but I really don’t think you have anything to worry about. Go have fun with your friend!
    The people that catch the bugs that are “going around” are non-emets that don’t obsess over handwashing and all the other crazy things we do lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: Exposure to SV?? urgent!!

    To answer your question: noroviruses are very contagious. That being said, the best way to not get it is by washing your hands before eating and putting your hands in your mouth. You followed those steps and went above and beyond that. If people in your office are getting sick, I wouldn't eat shared food items in the breakroom for awhile. Aside from that? Try not to worry too much.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Exposure to SV?? urgent!!

    Thank you so much! So far so good - I’m not feeling great but I’m thinking (and hoping!) that it’s more anxiety than anything. Thank you both of you! xx



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