
I'm from England but staying in Scotland for Christmas in a holiday apartment. When we arrived here 48 hours ago I could smell vomit in one of the bathrooms but my family insisted that it just some other smell from a blocked drain. I am very scared that the previous guests had a stomach bug and that now (almost exactly 48 hours later so the incubation period for Norovirus) I have caught a that bug as I have a very tight throat, feeling of nausea and wind/burps. My Mum also has a tight throat and it came on straight after dinner like mine.

Do you think I have Norovirus?

Also I have very low dose prochlorperazine sublingual (that you put under your gum, to enter the blood stream) anti-emetic/anti-sickness tablets- do you think I should take one? I'm afraid that they might not work as I usually take domperidone but couldn't find it when packing. I also have 'emetrol' syrup and 'buscopan' for stomach spasms but I'm worried that none of it will work!