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  1. #1

    Default Drawing the line between anxiety/real

    I'm honestly getting so sick of feeling the way I've been feeling over the past few months (I'm sure you all feel this too) but, I've gone a good 3 and a half weeks without it and yesterday....

    -horrible taste in my nose/throat area, but doesn't feel sinusy
    -heart beating faster than usual
    -random aches, currently my left arm
    -very very volatile stomach, no appetite and d* and even after brushing my teeth, stomach pain
    -feeling the cold WAYYY more

    Now, I'll give leeway to "winter" cos a ton of my friends have had lepases of their flus etc but this thing isn't even a thing, it's a horrible feeling which, when I'm out and about or with my family, I go into a 'mist' of exhaustion and just feeling unwell. I know my anxiety n* and its usually very sharp and sudden but it never gives me these symptoms. The aching can't be caused by it surely. Has ANYONE have or had this very unsettling ill feeling? My parents continually tell me it's a virus which recurrs but if that's true then I am screwed cos it flares up almost every month.

    Sorry for rant
    'Since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal'

    2 Corinthians 4:18💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Dublin, Ireland 🇮🇪

    Default Re: Drawing the line between anxiety/real

    Don't be sorry for ranting @thecheesecake17 i know exactly how you feel. Last night my son (6) had a bit of a fever and was just very very sleepy. He didn't v* or have d* but I was on edge the whole night. He slept for 6 hours but was moving around alot. I just froze whenever he moved. It awful living with this fear. Like I can't even be around my poor son if he is sick. And some people must think I am an awful mother. But unless anyone knows what it's like to live with this fear then they will never ubderstand. It makes you feel so alone I think. It mostly bothers me when anyone around me is sick, more than myself. Obvi I hate it myself and I cry etc. But if anyone around me is sick I run out of the room, hide and pin my eyes shut and cover my ears. I'm 27 and people think I am insane.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Drawing the line between anxiety/real

    Yes I actually feel like this 90% of the time. I know the feelings are caused by my anxiety, but at the time I feel like it’s really hard to tell if it is a “real” sick feeling or not. I seem to always struggle between knowing if it’s real or not. Also the winter months always seem the worst. One I think it because everyone is sick which makes me think I could catch something. Two because when it’s cold I start to shiver a lot which seems like it brings on the anxiety. If I were you I would go to a doctor and tell them your symptoms. They can do many tests and it might make you feel better knowing nothing is wrong or if there is something wrong you will know what it is and can figure out the treatment.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Drawing the line between anxiety/real

    Guys thanks so much for the response - I honestly hate posting so much this time of year cos were all pretty much in the same boat. Mariesgirl, did your sons symptoms manifest? I hope he's ok and my gosh, you do an excellent job as a mother just to stay with him, really. I hope he's recovering and you don't catch it. Do you just distract yourself when you're taking care of him?

    Elisa, I honestly don't know if I should go to the docs cos though it DOES stir up after a bit of stress, I can go a good four weeks without the symptoms and have had people tell me it seems viral. I've been told I get "mild flus" which my body constantly fights off...my dad says his neck and head begin thumping when the same thing happens to him .. do you get the same symptoms I described?
    Maybe I'll take a consultation call and see what they think. Thanks guys

  5. #5

    Default Re: Drawing the line between anxiety/real

    I do get a weird taste in my nose and mouth, pains in my tum, n. and fast heart rate but I went to the dr and they said I have acid reflux. I am currently on a daily medication but doesn’t always seem to help the symptoms. You too could have acid reflux I’ve heard there is a silent kind.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Dublin, Ireland 🇮🇪

    Default Re: Drawing the line between anxiety/real

    He is grand now thecheesecake17. It was so weird cause I 100% thought for sure he was going to be sick and he wasn't thank god!! I think he was just extremely tired.thank you so much for your kind words and reply xx

  7. #7

    Default Re: Drawing the line between anxiety/real

    Elisa maybe... It sounds gross but I'm not sure if acid is what I'm tasting... It does feel rather sinusy though.
    Mariesgirl, I'm so glad he's ok, did he have a fever though he ended up ok?

    Woken up to a horrible taste in my mouth AND a shaky threatening d* feeling. Soooo done. I literally feel like I have some cyclic condition cos my body will not act ok at ALL this winter. EVERYONE has colds and flu and I'm jealous cos my symptoms, though sporadic, are so silent but evident..



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