...because I'm freaking tf out. We just got over a nasty 2-week cold virus (well, I'm not over it yet) and I handled that really well. Today my dad came in pacing after eating lunch & is having diarrhea & looking REALLY sick. He says it's the salad he ate, but I'm terrified it's noro & contagious. He's gotten sick instantly from food before but it was egg salad which is known to carry staph aureus which causes instant d* & v*. So that wasn't so bad because I knew it was food poisoning & not noro which is super contagious.

Can lettuce cause severe intestinal distress almost instantly without it being caused by noro? My mom ate the same thing & is fine...for now. How long does noro generally take to cause symptoms? My fear is that it's going to spread, which I absolutely couldn't stand. My nerves are frayed after dealing with this last sickness. My mom is threatening to commit me to the psych ward because I'm losing control so badly. Any factual info regarding lettuce & diarrhea/nausea would be GREATLY appreciated so I can calm my mind a bit. I'm not seeing anything other than stuff about IBS, which I don't think my dad has. Could lettuce be contaminated with staph aureus too?

Ugh. Sorry for all the questions. It's just the only way I know to truly calm my fears.