Hi All,

I’m new here. I’ve been terrified of getting sick and seeing others get sick since I was probably 8 and I am now 28. I have a two year old daughter and I will say I am able to help her when she is sick. I have only v* 3 times in my life, twice from high school drinking and once from food poisoning. It’s been over 10 years and I am beyond terrified of it. My daughter started v* in the middle of the night Wednesday, and my husband started early evening on Thursday . We were both in the car with him on the highway during part of the v* and I was in the back seat horrified trying to keep my daughter from crying and holding my ears. My mom came to my house Friday and watched my daughter at her house all day. She came down with it last night in Mexico. I have not gotten it and I am beyond terrified of getting it. Both of our bathrooms have been bleached, dishes sanitized, laundry washed, all knobs/light switches etc cleaned with Lysol lll, husband’s car sanitized, etc. How often do I need to keep cleaning? I have been sleeping in the guest room since Thursday night, and have been taking extreme precauations by keeping my toiletries separated, using the “clean” bathroom, washing my hands religiously (they hurt), and keeping my hands away from my face? Any tips, facts, etc? Ah!!!! TIA!