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  1. #1

    Default Eating difficulties

    Just looking for some advice on the old eating front. I've spiralled into a bad emet phase after having what has felt like a few near-v* incidents this winter and have gone back to feeling weak and malaised due to limiting my stomach through fear of getting s* or d*. I'm sat here feeling dizzy though not exactly unwell and realized that I've been out in the city all day having two sauseges and a piece of bread at 9am this morning and a couple handfuls of Doritos at 4. It's now 9:30pm and I believe I'm hungry so have had a piece of bread and cheese and some nuts, but I'm even scared to have more ... I remember this feeling from my very very bad emet attack in 2015 when my bf got noro. He suffered for 48 hours, I have suffered for the past two years as since then I haven't been able to get past 50kg (I'm 5'8). What do you guys do to get yourself back into the swing of things after not eating?
    'Since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal'

    2 Corinthians 4:18💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Northeast USA

    Default Re: Eating difficulties

    Comfortable foods to start. And filling foods, like peanut butter, lots of carbs, etc. Yes, you can definitely eat more than that. I know, I tend to "under eat" due to fear, and am also underweight. But just start slowly and keep building....hugs!
    "In nothing be anxious....." Phil. 4:6

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Default Re: Eating difficulties

    I've never had trouble with eating, but I have a few safe foods that I eat when I feel iffy: bread, nuts, pasta, dry crackers, fruits/vegetables, various meats. I try to eat a balanced diet with lots of protein!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Monmouth, Oregon. United States

    Default Re: Eating difficulties

    Safe foods. When this happened to me back in 2013 I dropped about 25-30 pounds in the course of a month and a half. I refused to eat anything.

    Slowly as I recovered I ate foods I considered safe. Jerky, because of the processes involved in making jerky there is a very small chance it will make you sick. Potato chips, then certain sandwiches. I just started to introduce foods kinda like that for months. I still have some aversions from the good old days, but I have mostly recovered. That’s how I did it.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Eating difficulties

    Thanks guys..gonna try just staying as natural and organic as possible...I bought some crackers and honey roasted nuts and fizzy drinks but I think I'm just confusing my body... I keep going for stuff I fancy but then not enjoying them so frustrating

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Re: Eating difficulties

    Eat a lot of protein. It will give you energy without the bloating you get from carbs. Avoid fizzy drinks as they can cause gas and heartburn which in turn may cause you to stop eating again. Fresh fruits and vegetables are also good choices, as is Greek yogurt. Avoid processed foods and things that contain a lot of sugar.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Eating difficulties

    Funny you should mention protein tiredofitall, yesterday I pushed the boat out and started with two boiled egg sandwiches then a cheese sandwich at lunch and for dinner my mum made a very healthy curry with lots of fish ..I've also been eating lots of chicken. It is helping I think cos this week I'm slowly feeling better. I am honestly thinking of cutting down on the sugar as it just doesn't sit well with me these days :/
    Thanks for the tips folks

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Cincinnati OH

    Default Re: Eating difficulties

    I've often read that some folks will "never eat that again" after having it come back up, so I try to choose things that I would be ok with giving up permanently. I also consider what my choice is going to feel like / taste like coming back up and avoid anything that is going to burn, scratch or have some lingering taste and make sure I don't eat any of that. I've wondered (but too afraid to try it) if drinking alcohol (like straight vodka or something) would "kill" the bad bugs. Any thoughts on that?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Brooklyn, NY

    Default Re: Eating difficulties

    Quote Originally Posted by kejelj View Post
    I've wondered (but too afraid to try it) if drinking alcohol (like straight vodka or something) would "kill" the bad bugs. Any thoughts on that?
    I've wondered about that too, but I don't think it would work. Because if bad bugs can survive stomach acid (which they do) then they can certainly survive a few shots of vodka. Although, once or twice having a drink has helped me to come down from a N-induced panic spiral. Once I accidentally took too many Tums and felt disgusting and N and was off my dinner until about 10pm when I finally decided I needed a whisky to calm down. After a few sips, boom, I was hungry again.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Eating difficulties

    I struggled with this a few years ago as well when my emet was really at its worst. The best thing that helped for me was finding "safe" foods that were easy on my stomach such as soup and crackers or things that could be eaten in smaller amounts but would still be filling: granola bars, breakfast crackers, peanut butter toast etc. I would then work my way up from there adding bigger meals and more foods as my anxiety calmed down.
    Glad that it sounds like you're starting to feel a bit better though

  11. #11

    Default Re: Eating difficulties

    Kitty - thanks for the tips! You're right about the crackers and toast , have been having lots of dry bread and yesterday I actually felt very good just eating in my normal portions so thanks. Kegelg and pigatron - do you mean killing germs with alcohol or using alcohol as an appetite enhancer? I remember the only time I was at a "healthy" weight was when I drank LOTS at uni so maybe it works , I also got hungry very fast after a few wines 😂



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