Hello I'm new to the site. I'm 20 and I've had emetophobia since I was a little kid. Since then, whenever I thought I might be sick, I'd have a checklist of symptoms. I would check to see if I had a fever, check my appetite, and my tiredness level. Over the years I've dropped all of those because they can be symptoms for many things and I've had them for many things besides SV. Now, when I think I may be sick, I only use two sure fire methods that can tell me right away if I have the SV. I know they work because they have been the two constants in every instance of SV in my past. First, I do some exercise, something like jogging or riding a bike. If I have the SV, this causes almost immediate cramping and weakness. It's happened every single time I've ever had SV, so once I do this and it doesn't result in cramping, I'm usually reassured. However, if I'm not, I can do one other thing. I go for a drive. A drive in the car always caused the same symptoms in the past, minus the weakness from activity. These are the only symptoms I check anymore. I was wondering what similar rituals or checklists you guys might have?