I've got better at this over the years but sometimes I really can't tell if my n* is being caused by anxiety or by 'the real thing'

Some ways I try to tell if I'm actually ill or just anxious:

- I think about the likelihood of me having a bug.. have I been exposed? Are we in summer or winter? Do I have any other symptoms?

- I think about the likelihood of FP... have I eaten anything that wasn't safe? Do I have stomach ache or D*? Does my boyfriend feel ill?

- Is the n* coming from my throat or stomach? If the n* is coming from my throat then it's probably anxiety

- Are my safety behaviours (nibbling crackers and sipping water) making the n* worse or better?

- How long have I been feeling n*? If I were going to v* would it have happened by now?

How do you guys tell what is causing your n*?