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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Sweden, Västernorrland, Sollefteå

    Question If Anxiety gives you SV symptoms, How do you calm down?

    I feel like i could pick up some advice, i get scared for the rest of the day if get even the tiniest tingling in my Stomach.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2017

    Default Re: If Anxiety gives you SV symptoms, How do you calm down?

    That’s me omg

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    East Coast, USA

    Default Re: If Anxiety gives you SV symptoms, How do you calm down?

    This is my thought all the time!!!! Emetophobia sucks for that exact reason. For me personally, I will be feeling totally fine one moment then 2 seconds later I'll have sudden nausea and stomach tingling etc. What I do at that point, even though it is very, very hard, I say to myself, what are the chances that all of a sudden, right now, that my body is preparing to vomit? Usually the answer is slim.

    This is my ultimate question for a therapist if I could ever see one!!

  4. #4

    Default Re: If Anxiety gives you SV symptoms, How do you calm down?

    Uuuummm...to be honest its tricky cos like most of you, 98% of the time I have stomach "things" that amount to nothing i.E. earlier, I genuinely thought it was my day today to do it...I burned up and everything and was like "youve DEFINITELY caught something from that dodgy public bathroom you used!" but I kept telling myself repeatedly "NOOOOO! your stomach is made of iron!" and the damn feeling lasted on and off for FIVE freaking hours, so Im sat on a train like "my number is up..this is a virus" but Im sat here feeling very good so it MUST be the fact that we overthink this and assume constantly...
    I think the indicator is the stomach VS throat - when I had stomach n* today, it was incredible how different it felt..throat n* isn't even n* I don't think, its like a reflex thing we all get..so half the times we freak out about being "sick" we're truly not ...sv* is unfortunately very fast I believe, it hit me like a truck back in primary school when I was 8 :/ but it was also over the next day
    'Since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal'

    2 Corinthians 4:18💜💜💜💜💜💜💜



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