I really apologize if this came across as hurtful. Sometimes I think others just have all the luck, but after reading these replies I realize i'm the initial schmuck. I never thought about complications in marriages or anything else, so I apologize for my self-righteousness. As far as comfort goes, I don't have many people I can talk to in my area. A few people are understanding and will listen but obviously cannot relate to any of it because they're not dealing with it. There are no actual support groups for this in my area because it largely goes unheard of. I had to even explain it to a doctor because he wasn't even familiar with the word emetophobia. I feel ashamed for the most part, and it doesn't help when people criticize you left and right. That is why I joined this forum. I am trying to find some stability with the issue. I feel so angry lately, and I'm not sure if that's an outward sign of depression or something else. Maybe over time it will be mollified the more I learn about others on here. When you feel like you've been abandoned your entire life you tend to be more hostile, and I'm really sorry if I come across as an obnoxious and unruly individual. On top of this my best friend is nearing Stage IV Cancer, and I just have a lot of things on my chest. I am really sorry for my baseless accusations. I'll try to be more understanding at times. I'm just not doing well right now.