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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    So my mom woke me up this morning with the news that my sister was staying home from school with "the flu". She actually must have a stomach thing, she's v* a few times that I know of... I am so freaked out, my family thinks I am uncompassionate because I have just been so panicked this whole day and checking with everyone about whether they've been washing their hands. I went to school, and was pretty relaxed and ok there.... but now I'm home and it's turning to night and I'm stuck in this house for over twelve more hours... and tomorrow I am SO BUSY the ENTIRE day... I have a zero period class, regular classes (including one in which I'm leading an experiment), a meeting with someone for a project I'm doing, and then starting volunteer work. I never want to be sick, but if I were to be, tomorrow would be one of the worst days for it to happen... I've been careful to wash my hands and use a lot of hand sanitizer and I have eaten (not much, but a little bit because that's supposed to help the immune system). If she has a sv, that has a 2 day incubation period, right? The whole family just stayed home with each other on sat. because we had a power outage... sunday we went out though to a play... so I was in the car with her... she came down with this last night. What are the chances of me getting this? (She hasn't 'gotten sick' since before 2, she ate a little soup at 2 and has been asleep since then. also she had a temperature earlier but apparently that's been going down too). And how long do you think it will be until she's better? I am so stressed, I don't know how to calm down, and I just keep fighting with my family who does not understand what the big deal is V_V

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States


    I'm sorry about this situation! I know how hard it is to have someone you care about sick and you feel bad for avoiding them like they have the plague or something. If she hasn't v* anymore in a while I'd say the worst is over. It sounds like something I had back in November. I had v* and d* a couple times, then the next day had a fever and body aches, then I was fine. It's probably a 24 hour thing. Also, that she's kept the soup down is a good sign.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    ooh ok, that's good to hear Sorry you were sick though! So, it counts as keeping food down, if the person just sleeps after eating? I really hope this is all... this is scary, neither of us have v* in years *knocks on wood* so that makes it even worse.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States


    Absolutely, it counts whether you're awake or asleep. I'm sure most of us have woken upbecause we had tov*, so yeah, if she was going to have to v* again it wouldn't matter if she was asleep. It would wake her up.



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