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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Well, yesterday after my kindergartener got out of school, I brought them home and they played outside for a while, then I took them shopping, just to get them out of the sick house. When we were leaving to go home, Logan said she had a cramp, we went home, and the girls opened their candy I had bought them and Logan said she felt better. And of course, the girls had to taste each others' candy--yuck. Anyway, Logan was fine for a while, then she went to the bathroom and said she had "mushy poop" then she went right back in and said she had diarrhea, oh no!!!!!!!!!! Well, she ate dinner (a corn dog--all I had to fix quickly--and an apple)I gave her a juice box, she took one sip and said she didn't want any more, that she was going to bed. Well, at 11:00 she woke me up and went downstairs and v'ed!!!!!!!!!!!! Greg was down there and he cleaned it up and put her back in her bed (the girls have bunk beds and she sleeps on the top, which makes me nervous when she is sick), well, 45 minutes later she v'ed again and it got on Haley's bed!!!! Blah.

    She woke up this morning and is totally fine, 100% better, but now I am worried about my other 2 kids, especially Haley, as they tasted each other's candy and then Logan got "V" on Haley's bed!!!! And Greg did not disinfect, he just got the stain remover out and cleaned it up!!!

    I am going crazy. I swear to you, NOBODY'S kids v as much as mine, so if any of you parents out there ever need support, I am here for you, I couldn't possibly have more vomit in my life unless my kids did it every single day. It's only been 2 weeks to the day since Haley had v'ed, a week and a half since my virus, and only 2 months since Logan's last bout of v'ing. I am really starting to hate Friday nights!! My kids last 3 v'ing episodes were on Friday nights!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United Kingdom


    Poor you Donna. It really has been a tough time for you lately. I am glad your daughter is better now and I really hope your other children do not catch it.

    Hopefully your family will not v* for a long time since they have had so much lately. I remember when my daughter was nearly 3, she had a nasty sv and v* for 2 days, then less than a month later she v* for a day, then just 3 days later it happened again, then just when I thought it was all over 2 weeks later she v* again for 2 days. I thought it was going to last forever, but after that she was absolutely fine with no more v* for almost 2 years. So hopefully your family are getting it all over and done with and will be fine for a while.

    I know how hard it is to wait and see if anyone else catches the illness. I really hope nobody does. I will be thinking of you. Good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    I have always V*'d on Wednesdays and so has my son, so I hate Tuesday nights and all day Wednesday.

    Donna...I only have one child and he V*'s a lot...he can cough and V* and if he gets a cold, he V*'s the entire time he has snot in his nose. He V*'d after his birthday party a few weeks a go and he can V* at the drop of a hat. I hate it too and I know how you feel only yours is 3 times worse since you have 3. I am sorry that it is such an awful time and I wish I could tell you something great, but I don;t know what to say except for if she is feeling better this a.m. then maybe it was nothing but a little nervous stomach over the fashion show this weekend and junk food. Corn dogs maybe did not sit well if she had a little yucky tummy and that was probably it. Once it was out of her it was over.

    I hope your husband is better today and I wish you could have a weeekend away from all the crud.
    TRY to live each day like it were your last

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    Donna, I am so sorry that you are having such a rough time. I hope that you and the rest of your family remain well!!!! How is your husband today? How about the children? How are you?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Logan is totally better, Aidan tossed and turned all night and has been a CRAB today, so I am hoping that he isn't feeling sick. Greg feels drained and has a headache, so it sounds like what I had last week. I just hope my other 2 don't get it, I've been Lysoling, washing blankets, cleaning carpets, toilets, the bathroom floor, agh, she got barf everywhere imaginable.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    My son refuses to V* in the toilet, so it is always everywhere too. I don't know what it is about kids, but not only do they V* a lot, but all over the place. When is the fashion show? I thought it was this weekend. Now, use this episode as a way to tell your mother in law that the "GERM PIT" rather than ball pit is not a great place for kids even though it may be fun, at this time of year it is not a great place. I do let my son do things like that, but I am so crazy for it afterwards, but I just wait it. I doubt that is what this is from for your kids, but use it to show her that hand washing is so important and even her own son is suffering from it potentially.
    TRY to live each day like it were your last

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Yes, the fashion show is this weekend, I am still letting her do it, since she is feeling so great today and since she is just prone to v'ing. She really wants to do it! I would feel bad saying no!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    euh...I was always weird about either using a bucket or throwing up in the toilet as a child....I can't even imagine that

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004



    You seriously must be the bravest emet out there. I can't believe how much you have to put up with v*. I can't even imagine.

    Hope everyone feels better!
    .I just want to feel safe in my own skin. I just want to be happy again. I just want to feel deep in my own world. But I’m so lonely I don’t even want to be with myself. <3

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United States


    Donna - I can't remember how old your kids are, but my youngest went through a HORRIBLE period when she was between ages 4 and 5. She was literally sick with a a new sv every few weeks for about 6 months. I did not think this was even possible. My kids are a little older now (9 1/2 and 7) and they do not seem to get sick nearly as often. Of course, even one time is too much for me, but at least it is less often. I am hoping that your kids' illnesses will taper off as they get older. What you are going through is an emet parent's nightmare. We are all thinking of you.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    I think that she is fine and I would let her do it too. I don't think this was an SV at all and your husbands sounds like it was food related or even stress. He sounds like a little rest cleared it up and so I doubt that was an SV either. It does seem like kids at this age V* constantly and I hate being an EMET during this, but we do know that we may worry all the time, but they really aren't sick as often as we think they are. As a mom who is an EMET, I think that we work extra hard and we can do this, but know that you have tons of support from us here and I am praying for you that all goes well for the show since you have looked forward to it for so long.
    TRY to live each day like it were your last

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    United States


    I feel so bad for you! I am dreading the if and when our child goes through this.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    Hi Donna.
    I am thinking of you throughout this. Keep your chin up. I HATE when my kids are sick and the DREAD and fear. Sounds as if your hubby is supportive. Maybe try children's vitamins if they are not already taking them. At least for the winter time. Take care. Andrea

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States



    You are a trooper. Amazing.
    \"This too shall pass\"

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Nova Scotia, Canada


    I can't imagine how you cope with all this. I would have thought you would be sensitized to emet by now! I think most of us would agree you are like wonderwoman to all of us! so brave

    hopefully the worst is over and everyone will start to feel better!
    ~*Jill*~ Teacher, Advanced BSc in Psychology

    "You can unlock any door as long as you have the right key". Mrs. Brisby, Secret of Nimh

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    You know, I thought dealing with all this V* would make my emet better, too, but it has made it worse. I used to never worry about it, I didn't worry about kissing my girls, or sleeping with them or sharing food or washing my hands, but now. . . I lay awake at night wondering which one is going to throw up next, it's really bad. Now I am waiting for the rest of us to get sick. My girls played together all day yesterday and so I can just see Haley getting sick today or tomorrow, or Aidan--he is at that age where they start to v*!!!!!

    My husband is still not better, he ate yesterday and his stomach started cramping up again![img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United Kingdom


    I really hope the rest of your family stay well. I really thought my emet would get better after having my own children. When my daughter was 9 months she had a very nasty virus which started with lots of v* then a very high temperature and a rash. She actually ended up in hospital for 2 nights. I thought I would be able to deal with anything after that but still I find it so hard to cope with v*. I think since having my son 2 and a half years ago my emet has become worse than ever. I hope it is all over for you this time, good luck!



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