As some of you may or may not know, I am 7 months pregnant and have always had stomach problems. (natural for an emet) My last pregnancy (6 years ago) I was n* and felt sick to my stomach all the time - this one is no different. You would think I'd be used to it by now since I've dealt with it for 7 months, but I still freak out when my stomach isn't feeling right (mostly at night) because I think it's the start of a sv*.

Tonight I am feeling very strange and scared that I'm coming down with something. I feel a little weak, shakey, malaise, and my stomach doesn't feel quite right either. If it was an sv* wouldn't I have severe stomach cramps or atleast a stomach ache of some sort??? My stomach doesn't hurt, it just feels strange. Not to mention tight and full from a baby growing inside....LOL

I'm starting to panic because of the way I'm feeling - hope someone can help me calm down!