I'm feeling REALLY off today. Not N* but dizzy and really weird in the head. And of course that always makes me scared I could be sick.

A little back story. I've taken 200mg (max dosage) of Zoloft for 10 years.

January 18th 2006, I started the switch to Lexapro. 100mg zoloft and 1/2 dosage of lexapro for one week, then January 25, I stop zoloft totally and start full dosage of Lexapro. On February 15th it will be one month on Lexapro, and 3 weeks since my last dose of zoloft.

Also its my time of the month so that could also be contributing. I'm feeling jsut really weird, like foggy and a little dizzy, and its jsut making me nervous.

I think its because Zoloft is almost all the way out of my system.

Ive tried 3 times very un-successfully to ween of of zoloft but I did research and found most has a smooth switch from zoloft to lexapro. Zoloft widthdrawls for me have been pure torture... I wont get it to them now but I'm just nervous that its the beginning of withdrawl.

My main problem with zolorft? I've gained over 80lbs since I started. I was always thin, I was a professional dancer (ballet) before I started zoloft. Now I'm in plus sizes, and very lethargic, I've heard alot of people that had my issue with zoloft once theyswiched to lexapro lost most of the weight in about a year. I honestly don't care about being 'skinny' just back down to a healthy weight, I really don't want to turn diabetic from all this extra weight.