I have a prescription for Phenergan. I asked my doc for it just to get me thru the nausea caused by anxiety. It never occurred to me that I'd be using it also to not v*, but it has come in handy for that too. Anyway, for the anxiety part I just wanted it to calm my stomach and put me to sleep, then I'd wake up and the panic would be gone. For the times I've had a sv, there has been one time that I took it and still v* 2 hours later. A couple times I've had it in an IV because I was so dehydrated and v* so much and it REALLY helped. We have it at the house in suppository form for my son and I'll take those if I can't keep the pill form down. We also have it as an injection for really bad cases. My mom's a nurse so luckily we can come by Phenergan easily!

When I use it for anxiety though, I just take like 1/4 of a pill. It's enough to put me to sleep. If I take the whole thing or even half, I'm only half-functioning the next day.