Before V* (or when i think im going to V*)sometimes I get hot flashes, I sweat, and then get really cold to the point i shake and its this uncontrolable shaking (most of the time accompanied by severe stomaches). and it almost feels like my entire body is cold. And I get this feeling over me when I think im almost there where its this cold feeling that goes from ur tailbone up to ur head (almost as if the V* is coming up and theres a breezy sensation that goes up ur body) and thats the feeling I fight the most, and i have to clench my fist and try to control my breathing (because from what i heard you do this breathing thing before you v*) and stablize it. If i do have to V* the feeling of the breeziness gets very cold and I think my brain is telling me that i should run to the bathroom before its too late and in my head Im always thinking ("omg omg its coming, im going to v*, im going to v*" and i just close my eyes and try to think happy thots like when other ppl did it and it wasnt actually so bad, or they treated it like it was nothing, and i just keep telling myself its not so bad its not so bad and its almost over.)I was just wondering if anyone here has the same thing...

this is kinda random, but i was just wondering if anyone in here goes thru the same thing i do.

-vee Edited by: veebum