At about 5 or 6 years of age, I remember seeing my father taking some pills and out of curiosity I asked what they were for. He said he had a headache so like daughter like dad, I claimed to have one too. He gave me two 200 mg. capsules and told me to swallow as well. I had no experience in this so I tried it. I still remember like if it was yesterday that they got stuck cuz I swallowed horizontally. This was the first panic attack I remember as I went frantic pointing towards my throat. He kept telling me to keep drinking the water. I don't remember thereafter. I'm afraid I may be blocking out some terrifying experience afterwards. Since then, I have never tried to swallow a pill. I hate having to beg my doctors like a little girl for liquid meds or a shot. They look at me funny and kinda poke fun. I tell them my story and one said very coldly, I ought to see a shrink about it. I took it as having some mental issue instead of having a post traumatic experience to resolve. Also, many meds don't come in liquid form. This is so hard for me. So far I will get away with it for antibiotics but what about when I grow older and need some horse pill vitamin supplement that is not chewable? I do try to chew what I have and have to endure the bitterness but sometimes it is impossible to do.

Does anyone out there understand? Am I the only 30 yr. old asking for oral solution? Most pharmacists think I'm asking for it for my little kid when I don't have any. I"m asking for oral sus. for me. I get so humiliated at times.