
after eating i will start to feel very full quickly.
it will then start feeling ..yes.. like a gnawing feeling in between my ribs and around that area. to me it feels like you're super hungry, but you're really not.

also lately, if i sleep on my side.. it will feel like my heart is being smashed somehow!

i dont eat much due to the n* associated, so this could be the case, that indeed i am somehow hungry. though not at 2am! in the middle of the night i will get these gnawing hunger things.
the n* feeling i get is in the chest area. in the middle and sprouting around the chest. it feels like i constantly have to burp.. but sometimes i dont. sometimes i try to force burps as well. it feels constricted. tight.bloated in the chest, somehow. sometimes tingly and butterfly'y.

there is no pain involved for me.

yes, usually the feeling fizzles at some point. and i'll eat a bit and feet better. temporarily.

i dont get heartburn.