Anyone that was bullied, teased, rejected or harrassed? Email me
Anyone that was bullied, teased, rejected or harrassed? Email me
Wow! This post is not very specific. Harassed in what way? Sexually harassed at work? Physically harassed by a significant other? Verbally harassed?
Rejected by a lover, friend, potential employer, a parent?
And how come you want to know?
I don't know where you are going with this but I was teased all through fifth and sixth grade by MEAN kids (I had glasses and braces and was and still am VERY shortand skinny). In 10th grade (when I came into myself) I was bullied by a group of three very large girls who I assume didn't like be because now that I had contacts and straight teeth (and was still short and very thin) I (and I don't mean to sound vain) was pretty -- so they pushed me down the stairs each and every day at lunch for an entire year.
I was a wreck -- sick to my stomach all the time, panic attacks etc. Lucky for me my mom was (and still is) very understanding and didn't make me go to school on HIGH anxiety days.
Eventually I stopped going to lunch and since they were seniors at the time -- I only had that problem the one year.
Probably no help but I grew up JUST FINE and don't let people push me around any longer -- I am in charge of my life and my happiness and NOBODY will take that from me (unless theyv* of course - LOL)
Well, if it's kids we're talking about,
kids are the meanest people on Earth, fortunately most of them grow out of it. At some point in time, emphathy and compassion seem to kick in.
Friendship is like pee in your pants.... everyone can see it.... but only YOU can feel it\'s true warmth...