Here is my questions and I wonder what everyone here thinks......

We talk about a sv* and an incubation period, but when should this period start?

See, a few wks ago my son had a sv* (he is 4). He said he was hungry for lunch and we had been out. By 5pm he had v* and was feeling awful. My wife and I had shared either his straw from a lemonade or a spoon from ice cream. Now, yes, this is germ central and I usually do not share, my wife does! Happen to be a weak day...I'll never do that again.

Anyway, to my point, he gets sick at 5pm, but when did he actually get the sv* The moment he v* does not mean it starts my incubation period. I mean, we all live together, I kiss him good night, sometimes I catch a sneeze, etc.

Once he (or someone) v*, how long could they have had it? The moment of V* or d* certainly does not start the window for those around. Of course it is the first I think of, "Will I get it" but, when could we all really have been infected? By the time a person v* isn't it possible we have all been exposed?