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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    United States


    Last night my daughter and I went to my mom's house. While we were eating dinner we were having a fairly lighthearted conversation about my emet...they are not emets and find my problem slightly amusing (yet they're still sympathetic for the most part though).

    Anyway, about an hour after dinner was cleaned up my sister began complaining of a stomachache. She went to lay in bed and then I knew she was serious. I started freaking out and decided it was time for me to leave. After I got home a half hour later I called back home to ask how my sis was....my mom said she was feeling better and had gotten up to watch TV. I was relieved!

    So this afternoon I called back over there to see if she was still ok and if I could come visit. She said that my sis had been n* most of the day and that last night she v* once and had d*. The diarrhea lasted a good part of the night. She also told me that when I had called last night she'd already v* and had d* once but they had decided not to tell me about that so that I would be able to sleeplast night! I am freaking out really badly. I guess I'm glad they lied to me, but now I am so panicked that my daughter or me are going to get sick tonight or tomorrow. I am so worried; I need to finish studying for an important exam Monday. Gosh, I can't deal with this. I need to get rid of this phobia....it's taking over my mind. I don't know how I'll cope if one or both of us becomes ill. My mom was trying to comfort me by saying it may be something she ate....she did have those cheap Ramen noodle meals before dinner and she hasn't been around anyone ill but I'm still panicked anyway. My sister did have some contact with my daughter before she got ill.

    If you've made it this far thanks for reading this, it makes me feel a little better to get this off my chest.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    I think it would be interesting to know how many people we come into
    contact with on a daily basis that are sick and we don't know it. I bet its way
    more than the people who we DO know about. And we still manage to stay
    mostly healthy.

    Its so easy to say, and so hard to do... but if you are going to get sick,
    worrying won't help. Just try to relax. Otherwise, you might feel sick and it
    will be psychosematic.

    If you weren't swapping spit, you are probably okay. Maybe some studying
    will get your mind off of things.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States


    If it were food, it could have been caused by anything within the last 72 hours (best case scenario - but some cases of FP take longer to show up). Eating the Ramen noodles more than likely didn't make her sick. She could easily have had something the day before,,,

    Just take normal precautions and you should be fine. Did you share any food with her that night?

    I do agree with RECEE about coming into contact with so many people everyday with SV's... it is just bound to happen. I come into contact with people who have them everyday and I know it -- yet I am still fairly healthy in the GI department so far this season. I know it is just a matter of time until I get sick, but hopefully my precautions will hold me out through it all and I know I have the loving support of people here if and when I do get sick this season.

    Keep us posted. *hugs*
    I\'m always a shade of purple...
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    United States


    Thank you reese and purpleteacher for your responses. That's a good point, I probably have contact with people all the time who are just recovering or about to come down with an illness. I agree, the ramen noodles probably aren't the culprit. We didn't share food, but she did hold my daughter that night before she got sick.

    So far it's been 48 hours and no one else has gotten sick...they wanted me to come over tonight but I just couldn't, even though I'd really like to go see them. The emet in me is just convinced that there is still viral "activity" over there and I don't want to expose myself or my daughter to it unnecessarily.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    United States


    after researching a bit...
    ive found that people with sv's CAN be contagious beforehand..

    BUT..its only a fewHOURS before the symptoms start..AND its only through the poo.
    and even then, its less of a chance of spreading as opposed to if the virus was in FULL fledged symptom mode.. you know?

    you werent around her when she was ill.
    i would keep away from her for the rest of the week (if it were me)
    ..it will be fiiiiine!
    Edited by: liz28



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