this is sort of stupid and negative and i apologize..
p.s. this should probably be in the xperiences section. sorry.

The past two nights I've done something that I dont generally LIKE to do during the cold season, but did. I went to two different concerts, and stayed in two different hotels.The first concert probably had like 600 ppl there. The second not as much. Both involving being like tiny bits of inches away from another person. (eeeeeee)...and shakingTONS AND TONSof hands. (EEEEEEEEE!!!) friends of friends. band people, etc.

It ended up being enjoyable and I wasnt worried about catching random sv*'s from people(AT THE TIME), and mostly my mind was too busy with other things like people watching. However, now that I am home and thinking about it (as us emets usually tend to obsess).. i am sort of appalled at myself..

like WHY did i put myself in the situation to MAYBE catch something?
im sure it was a normal and good and healthy thing. and im sure tons of other people will have gone and enjoyed themselves and not worried or not gotten sick. but yet here i am being STUPID and overanalyzing a situation that has already passed.

at any flinch of a feeling in my belly, or my body, or my hot/colds..i'll start kicking myself for going to those shows. im thinking about the frickin bathroom and how when i went I couldnt figure out the weirdo faucet so I ended up having to touch it a lot with my BARE HANDS, even after i washed, as i wasnt THINKING about using a paper towel instead. oh geeeeeez. STUPID.

i am going to be feeling on edge like this for the next 3 days! until i know ive passed the point of contracting something!

do any of you have stories where you were in largely crowded areas during the dead of winter?? and you were just fine?? came out fine? no sickness?
i need some positivity. Edited by: liz28