Well, back in September I finally got my ish together and moved out of my parents house. Fun for the first few months. Drank for my first time =) LOL, very interesting. But, before the 6 month lease even ended I had to move back home. I was having panic attacks literally non-stop and breaking down everyday. I missed a lot of school because of it too. Pretty disheartening to know that I stuck my head out yet I had to go back in my shell. Kinda like I'm destined to just stay in here. And to top everything off my doctor moved offices and I can't find the new one. Ugh. How have you guys been? =)

Also what current succesful meds you all are taking, I was on 50mg Zoloft, but I got really sick after taking it once and v* three times, so I'm never taking that again.